
European Topic Centre on urban land and soil systems ETC/ULS

Het European Topic Centre on Data Integration and Digitalisation (ETC/DI) consortium biedt ondersteuning aan het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA). In overleg met het EEA worden jaarlijks verschillende projecten gedefinieerd. De belangrijkste thema's zijn monitoring en e-rapportages, thematische data-integratie met betrekking tot land en bodem, data-intelligentie en Copernicus-ondersteuning. WENR is betrokken bij:

  1. Het ondersteunen van het EEA bij de ontwikkeling van ruimtelijke indicatoren, gegevensintegratie en beoordelingen van landgebruik (gemeenschappelijk landbouwbeleid (GLB), neutraliteit van bodemdegradatie (LDN));
  2. Ondersteunen van het EEA bij het beschikbaar maken van bodemgegevens aan bedrijven, bedrijfsnetwerken, nationale overheden en kennisinstellingen;
  3. Data-analyse en -verwerking (nieuwe methoden en datasets);
  4. Ondersteuning bij de implementatie van de Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS).


Meijninger, W., Hazeu, G.W., Neuwirth, M., Vittek, M., 2020. Local Climate Zones use case using Urban Atlas (UA) (land cover, street tree layer and building height) and other Copernicus data (HRL imperviousness). Final Deliverable under Task Copernicus use cases: urban utility indicator and grassland indicator. ETC/ULS & EEA, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Kleeschulte, S., Elbersen, B., Hazeu, G., Schwaiger, E., Bartel, A., Frelih Larsen, A., Röschel, L., Korzeniowska, K., Marin, A.I. and Kosztra, B., 2020. Towards a draft indicator factsheet on I.20: Enhanced provision of ecosystem services: Share of UAA covered with landscape features. Deliverable under task (version 1.1): Support to CAP analysis. ETC/ULS & EEA, Copenhagen, Denmark.

EEA briefing, 2020. The role of soils in regulating impacts of nitrogen management on air, soil and water quality in the European Union. European briefings EEA,  ETC/ULS & EEA, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Hazeu, G.W., Vittek, M., Meijninger, W. and Lackner, S., 2019. Methodology to define and map the sub-region entities urban, peri-urban and rural areas. Final Deliverable under task Copernicus peri-urban and grassland indicator proposals. ETC/ULS & EEA, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Frelih-Larsen, A., Ittner, S., Naumann, S. Gregor, M., Hazeu, G.W. and Pedroli, B., 2019. Policy relevance analysis of geospatial indicators. Final Deliverable under task Policy relevance analysis of geospatial indicators. ETC/ULS & EEA, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Roerink, G., 2019. High resolution phenology scoping paper. Deliverable under task Phenology indicator factsheet and use of HR Copernicus product. ETC/ULS & EEA, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Vries, W. de, Trombetti, M., Römkens, P., Kros, H., Hessel, R. and Akker, J. van den, 2019. Soil quality indicators and their thresholds. Deliverable under task (version 1.0): Soil degradation and soil function mapping. ETC/ULS & EEA, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Vries, W. de, Römkens, P. and Kros, H., 2019. Draft Guidance document on carbon, nutrient and pollutant soil accounting and its relevance for soil monitoring. Deliverable under task (version 2.0): The fate of nutrients and pollutants in soils: budget approaches and monitoring implications. ETC/ULS & EEA, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Vries, W. de & Römkens, P., 2017. Impact of nitrogen, phosphorus and metals on food, soil and water quality. Comparison of current and critical metal inputs and soil metal concentrations in agricultural soils in EU-27 in view of ecotoxicological impacts on soil organisms. Final Deliverable under Task Impact of Nitrogen, phosphorus and metals on food, soil and water quality and related ecosystems ETC/ULS & EEA, Copenhagen, Denmark.