
Accelerating sustainability in industry by means of people and technology

Current international and legal developments have threatened the Netherlands’ position as a European front-runner in economy and sustainability. There is a need for the destabilized Dutch process industry to improve its environmental impact.

In this research project, we will utilize in situ fingerprinting data to optimize industrial operations for sustainability. Fingerprints are obtained from industrial processes, they are cost efficient and have great potential to assist firms in enhancing decision-making, reducing process footprint, and more.

New technology implementation, in our case fingerprinting technology, requires employees to learn new skills that affect their work. Every day industrial personnel perform their tasks in a non-human-centric, complex, and very dynamic industrial working environment. Firms need to delve into learning and include a coherent strategy when introducing new technology on the work floor. Individual, team, and organizational learning can assist corporations in technology adoption, and lead to improved corporate performance.

In this research project, we are on a mission to promote industrial personnel as the accelerator in this change process towards operational optimization for sustainability. We will strive to encourage stakeholder collaboration, proactively monitor and manage industrial personnel’s challenges, and inspire organizational learning.

I can guarantee you that there is so much more to learn about this research project. Would you like to learn more? If yes is the answer, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Promotion Team:

  • Dr. Renate Wesselink, Promotor
  • Dr. Yvette Baggen, Co-promotor
  • Dr. Pablo Morales, Co-promotor

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