Foodborne viruses
Wageningen Food Safety Research serves as the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for foodborne viruses in the Netherlands.
As the national centre of expertise in this field, the NRL conducts viral analyses and scientific research in virology.
Norovirus and hepatitis A-virus
The NRL cooperates with other European NRLs and the European Union Reference Laboratory for Foodborne Virus, based in Sweden. The primary purpose of this network is to harmonise the methods used for the official control of viruses in food. Noroviruses, hepatitis A virus and hepatitis E virus are the most important foodborne viruses that pose a threat to public health. ISO 15216 is the recommended method for the detection and quantification of norovirus and hepatitis A virus RNA in food. The ISO for the detection of hepatitis E virus RNA in food is in development. The NRL-EURL network is continuously striving to improve
the standard procedures and develop methods not covered by ISO 15216. For instance, WFSR has organised an Inter-Laboratory Study (ILS) to compare real-time qPCR and digital PCR for the detection and quantification of norovirus RNA in oysters. In addition, WFSR is participating in the work group within the NRL network for genotyping noroviruses using Next Generation Sequencing.