
PFAS webinar series | Detection, solutions and safe alternatives

PFAS has become a major topic of societal debate and concerns. At Wageningen University and Research (WUR) we also see solutions. We aim to help the societal debate with our research and relevant knowledge. The time is now to make the right choices and decisions on how to deal with PFAS related problems.

Besides PFAS detection and monitoring, we conduct research into safe alternatives and sustainable ways to clean up current PFAS pollution. All from a practical perspective.

Join our PFAS informative webinar series!

We are organizing a series of PFAS-webinars in November to inform interested parties about our knowledge and recent developments in research. Our main aim is to inform all relevant stakeholders. These sessions are not meant for a debate. That said, this meeting does offer an opportunity for you to get into direct contact with our WUR experts.

What to expect?

The webinars are one hour each, via MS-Teams, including 3 presentations by WUR-experts and time for informative questions from the audience. The presentations will be in English, however questions and input from the audience can also be in Dutch.

We look forward to you joining our meeting and welcome you to forward this invitation to other interested parties. In the meantime, see what we are doing in the field of pfas:

Webinar series schedule

The webinars are divided into three days and focus on three topics:

Dates in 2024 Overarching topic Presentations (10 minutes presentation + 5 minutes for questions p.p.) Speakers
Thursday 7 November, 4-5 PM Removal potential of PFAS in the environment 1. MEDALE project: degradation of PFAS in the environment 1. Wageningen Food & Biobased Research – Mattijs Julsing
2. Role of microbiomes in the biodegradation of PFAS 2. Wageningen University - Microbiology – Hauke Smidt
3. The discovery of a ff PFAS binding and potential for water-purification 3. Wageningen University - Organic Chemistry – Fedor Miloserdov
Monday 11 November, 4-5 PM Emissions, fate and exposure of PFAS in the Dutch environment 1. Emissions, challenges and approaches to monitor PFAS in the Dutch environment 1. Wageningen Food Safety Research – Stefan van Leeuwen
2. Distribution and behaviour of PFAS in soil, ground water and water 2. Wageningen Environmental Research – Steven Droge
3. Exposure, bioaccumulation and potential effects of PFAS in Westerschelde 3. Wageningen Marine Research – Martine van den Heuvel-Greve / Edwin Foekema
Monday 18 November, 4-5 PM Towards a PFAS safe society 1. Improved understanding on the fate of PFAS in the environment based on modelling approaches 1. Wageningen Environmental Research - Environmental Risk Assessment – Wim Beltman
2. European discussion on safe levels for PFAS in food and the environment 2. Wageningen Food Safety Research – Ron Hoogenboom
3. Sustainable and safe alternatives for PFAS 3. Wageningen University - Bio Process Engineering – Vitor Martins dos Santos