dr. J (Jacco) van Haveren
Programme manager Safe and Circular Biobased ProductsI am Dr. Jacco van Haveren (jacco.vanhaveren@wur.nl) and obtained my Ph.D. degree, studying metal-ion complexation of carbohydrates, at the Technical University of Delft in The Netherlands, I have worked as a post-doc at the University of Texas at Dallas (USA).
I have been working at Wageningen University & Research (WUR) Centre for over twenty years in several positions. I am co-author of over 40 peer reviewed publications and more than 25 patent applications including topics like e.g. biobased surfactants, polymer additives, phthalate free plasticisers, biobased resins for paints, drying catalyst for paints, efficient routes to biobased building blocks suitable to serve as (co)monomer in biobased resins and polymers/plastics. I have written a well cited review on biobased bulk chemicals.
Since 2011 I am Programme Manager Biobased Chemicals and Fuels. I am responsible for developing and maintaining our project portfolio on developing biobased chemical and fuels. I am responsible for creating both fundamental and applied research projects and programmes, in close interaction with industry. I am coordinating a team consisting of approximately 35 researchers. Expertises of researchers cover (bio)catalysis, biotechnology, organic & polymer chemistry. Topics cover microbial synthesis of bulk and specialty chemicals as well as the bio-and chemo-catalytic synthesis of bulk and specialty chemicals. Besides compounds like isohexides, lactic acid, itaconic acid, galactaric acid, hydroxy fatty acids and lignin and furan derived building blocks for biobased materials, also specialty biopolymers suitable for home and personal care products and e.g. watertreatment are being developed.
We are developing biobased fuel (additives) based upon second generation carbohydrate based feedstock and lignin, combining microbial and chemo-catalytic conversion steps.