Properties and Processing Behaviour of Renewable Plastics
To implement biobased or biodegradable plastics in actual products, insights in the processing behaviour, and options for improvement of these materials with respect to the relevant properties for specific applications is essential.
Wageningen Food & Biobased Research has extensive experience and state-of-the-art facilities to test the properties and processing behaviour of renewable plastics at pilot scale, and gives advice on functional optimisations.
We offer companies independent support to select the appropriate plastics types and grades and implement new plastic products.
Selection of plastic type and grade
To apply new renewable plastics in actual products, insights in the processing behaviour of these materials as well as information on the relevant properties for specific applications are crucial. This information can be used to develop compounds with appropriate additives (colourants, stabilisers, fillers) or to produce prototype products.
The analysis of the processing behaviour via rheology testing or analysis of the thermal properties is highly relevant. Via mechanical testing, thermal testing, barrier testing or evaluation of the biodegradation behaviour, essential insights in the plastic properties are gained. This helps to correctly select the appropriate plastics type and grade for any type of plastic application.
Processing and product development of renewable plastics
Wageningen Food & Biobased Research has over 25 years’ experience in processing and product development of renewable plastics like PLA, starch blends, PHAs and various biodegradable co-polyesters. In our Biobased Products Innovation Plant we can process plastics on a 1 kg to 1000 kg batch scale. This includes compounding extrusion on several highly flexible extruders, injection moulding and film blowing/co-extrusion up to 5 layers.
Plastic testing facilities
Our plastic testing facilities include regular analysis like Melt Flow Index (MFI), Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT), and mechanical testing, but also more advanced options like Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA), rheology (capillary, plate/plate), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Triple detection GPC/SEC , gas barrier properties and also biodegradation testing.
New product formulations
Within the TKI thin-walled products project Wageningen Food & Biobased Research developed new PLA formulations that could be injected into thin-walled transparent food containers.
Within various projects Wageningen Food & Biobased Research developed formulations for foaming processes.
Within the Zever and Zevervolg project we developed new starch based films with dynamic barrier properties that prolong the shelf life of fresh fruit such as apples and pears.
Collaborate to innovate
If you want to use new biobased or biodegradable plastics in your products and need help to select the appropriate material grade, or need further insights in the properties and processing behaviour of these new materials, we will gladly be your research partner. Contact us for more information.