Publications of the Business Management & Organisation Group
Researchers of the Business Management & Organisation Group publish on a regular basis in scientific journals, professional journals, scientific and popular books and proceedings.
Our publications
Smart manufacturing implementation : identifying barriers and their related stakeholders and components of technology
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management (2024) - ISSN 2053-4620 -
Digital transformation and social change : Leadership strategies for responsible innovation
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M (2024), Volume: 74 - ISSN 0923-4748 -
Are German pastures greener for Chinese dairy foreign direct investments?
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review (2024), Volume: 27, Issue: 4 - ISSN 1096-7508 - p. 745-764. -
How do foodservice companies organize for inbound open innovation? Empirical evidence from a Dutch organization
British Food Journal (2024), Volume: 126, Issue: 5 - ISSN 0007-070X - p. 1809-1829. -
Unraveling the connection between coffee farmers’ value chain challenges and experiential knowledge : The role of farm family resources
Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension (2024), Volume: 30, Issue: 2 - ISSN 1389-224X - p. 181-211. -
A SWOT analysis of ChatGPT: Implications for educational practice and research
Innovations in Education and Teaching International (2024), Volume: 61, Issue: 3 - ISSN 1470-3297 - p. 460-474. -
Neither right nor wrong? Ethics of collaboration in transformative research for sustainable futures
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (2024), Volume: 11 - ISSN 2662-9992 -
Integrating Intuition and Rationality in Strategic Decision-Making Processes : Insights From Product Development in Multinational Corporations
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2024), Volume: 71 - ISSN 0018-9391 - p. 8402-8416. -
Farming in the shadow of violent organizations: understanding farmers’ relational place-making in socio-ecological crises
Sustainability Science (2024), Volume: 19, Issue: 3 - ISSN 1862-4065 - p. 1003-1020. -
The micro-foundations of ambidexterity for corporate social performance : A study on sustainability managers’ response to conflicting goals
Long range planning (2024), Volume: 57, Issue: 1 - ISSN 0024-6301