Online booking - WEMC
Online booking of WEMC's Electron Microscopes and Ancillary Equipment.
Booking the microscopes
After you have finished training you can independently use the microscopes or preparation equipment. That does not mean you are now on your own, we can still help you with loading samples, hardware and software issues or any other questions that you might have.
The microscopes and preparation equipment can be reserved from booking (the reservation platform for research equipment of Wageningen University and research).
under: WEMC in Booking
Registration is required in order to use the WEMC online booking. After your account has been registered and approved you will be able to log in and book the microscopes or the preparation equipment. All users must have completed training by the facility staff before they are allowed access to the equipment.
- Booking of the equipment before use is obligatory.
- Cancellations or adjusting of reserved time slots can be only performed up to the start time of the reservation. After this cancellations can be only accepted on personal request (send e-mail).
- The systems cannot be reserved for more than 3 weeks in advance (or contact us).
- If necessary the WEMC staff can reduce the maximum weekly reservation time per user.
Online booking: WEMC in Booking
All major instrumentation at WEMC is charged on an hourly basis. Different rates apply for WUR, Academic or Corporate users. A full list of rates and fees is available on request from the facility manager.
In general, billing will be based on your booked time. If there is a discrepancy between the booked time and the used time. Feel free to contact us, we will adjust the booked time, so it matches your actual usage.
Contact details
Please provide a reference for billing. For WUR users this is your project number. If you work on more than one project please enter the appropriate project number on the booking calendar. Please inform us of update information regarding Billing References.