PhD L.vd Wal - Infrascapes
PhD by Laszlo van der Wal.
Hydraulic infrastructure, such as dams, weirs and sluices, are aging and will need replacement in the coming decades.
Though these types of infrastructures are intricately connected to the landscape, these relationships have barely been studied. This limits our understanding of how infrastructural manipulation -such as renewal, replacement or even removal- will transform landscapes.
Using a combination of case-based research, methodological innovation and research through design, we attempt to clarify these relationships. Extended knowledge on how infrastructures and landscapes interact to form, what we call, infrascapes, is critical in informing adequate strategies for dealing with aging infrastructures.
Supervision: Maarten van der Vlist (WUR/Rijkswaterstaat), Mark Zandvoort (WUR/Tauw), Adri van den Brink (WUR).