About Animal Breeding and Genomics

Together with the department of Genomics of Wageningen Livestock Research, Animal Breeding and Genomics makes up WUR-ABG. WUR-ABG has approximately 120 internal and external (for example visiting PhD’s and guest researchers) employees, half of whom are employed by Wageningen Livestock Research (WLR) and the other half by Wageningen University (WU).

Visual representation of WUR-ABG

Infographic Animal Breeding and Genomics

This infographic is a visual representation of WUR-ABG. The context is in the centre of the infographic: Responsible & balanced, Animal breeding & genomics, with images of the different animals our group is focusing on (the monkey represents the zoo animals and endangered species). Below that is the image of the earth. ‘Animal health & welfare’, ‘Sustaining biodiversity,’ ‘Mitigating climate change’ and ‘Food security’ are all important themes/global challenges that we, as a group, are focussing on. The themes in the green circles are goals that the Department of Animal Sciences (ASG) and WUR are focussing on collaboratively and that we, as a group, are contributing to. The images in the blue circles represent the different focus groups of ABG. The lines between the circles indicate that they are circling around the earth. This has two reasons: first, because the groups have a big impact on all aspects of sustainable and balanced animal breeding, and second, because they are constantly moving and developing (new technologies, new scientific developments).