Statistical Substantiation of a risk-based National Animal Feed Plan
Each EU member state is obliged to have an official risk-based monitoring programme for animal feed. This project maps out the risks related to important animal feed raw materials and provides advice on sampling plans.
A key element of this project is the development of a calculation model for underpinning risk-based sampling for the Animal Feed National Plan. On the basis of various criteria, such as the quantity of important raw materials, the use of these raw materials in animal feed, the country of origin and the contaminant type, the model provides arguments for justifying decisions on how much and which animal feeds should be sampled.
The key input for the model is the analysis of trends that provide insight into developments and absolute levels of undesirable and prohibited substances and additives in animal feed and raw materials used in producing animal feed that can constitute a risk to food safety, animal health and the environment. This also involves looking into the origin of animal feed raw materials.
- Expert group opinion and advising the NVWA on the basis of the calculation model
- Expansion of the calculation model
- Modification of the analysis of trends using the new statistical method
- Analysis of GMO trends
The knowledge generated by this project provides arguments for justifying decisions on taking samples for the NVWA's Animal Feed National Plan. The knowledge from the calculation model is based on science and expert opinions. It enables the assessment of the origin of animal feed raw materials and the likelihood that they might contain a specific contaminant. Knowledge of trend analyses has been used in 2013 to generate periodically fast and simple updates for contaminants that are only accessible to affiliated members. The analysis results are supplied by the government and industry. In 2014, an improved statistical analysis method will be applied to one specific contaminant to provide insight into the underlying trend.
Using monitoring data to find trends: case study mycotoxins in animal feed
Trend analysis of mycotoxins in animal feed
Wageningen: RIKILT (Rikilt report 2011.017) -
A model for risk based safety control of feed ingredients
Trendanalyse van contaminanten in diervoeders : mogelijkheden en problemen bij het gebruik van historische monitoringsgegens
Wageningen: RIKILT (RIKILT report 2014.007) -
Salmonella spp. in the feed chain in the Netherlands : monitoring results of five years (2008 to 2012)
Wageningen: RIKILT (RIKILT report 2015.005) -
Arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury in animal feed and feed materials : Trend analysis of monitoring result collected in the Netherlands
Wageningen: RIKILT (RIKILT report 2017.006) -
WOT Wettelijke Onderzoektaken : meten, tellen, verzamelen en duiden voor de overheid
Wageningen: Wageningen University & Research -
Pesticides in feed materials of plant origins : non compliance to legal limits in the period 2014-2019
Wageningen: Wageningen Food Safety Research (Report / Wageningen Food Safety Research WFSR 2021.011)