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Education - O (Oona) Morrow PhD


RSO79224 MSc Research Practice Rural Sociology
RSO22306 Food Culture and Customs
GEO58806 Gender and Diversity in the Life Sciences Domains
RSO31806 Sociology of Food and Place
RSO80424 MSc Thesis Rural Sociology
RSO80436 MSc Thesis Rural Sociology
RSO80430 MSc Thesis Rural Sociology
RSO58806 Beyond Sustainability: Theorizing Post- & Anti-Capitalist Food Futures
RSO70424 MSc Internship Rural Sociology
RSO79324 MSc Research Practice Rural Sociology
RSO70224 MSc Internship Rural Sociology
RSO22306 Food Culture and Customs
RSO51303 Capita Selecta Rural Sociology
RSO58806 Beyond Sustainability: Theorizing Post- & Anti-Capitalist Food Futures
RSO50806 Capita Selecta Rural Sociology
RSO79324 MSc Research Practice Rural Sociology
RSO79224 MSc Research Practice Rural Sociology
RSO31806 Advanced Rural Sociology: Alternatives in food provisioning and place making
RSO70424 MSc Internship Rural Sociology
RSO70224 MSc Internship Rural Sociology
RSO80436 MSc Thesis Rural Sociology
RSO80430 MSc Thesis Rural Sociology
RSO80424 MSc Thesis Rural Sociology
GEO58806 Intersectional Feminist Approaches