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Education - O (Oona) Morrow PhD
RSO79224 | MSc Research Practice Rural Sociology |
RSO22306 | Food Culture and Customs |
GEO58806 | Gender and Diversity in the Life Sciences Domains |
RSO31806 | Sociology of Food and Place |
RSO80424 | MSc Thesis Rural Sociology |
RSO80436 | MSc Thesis Rural Sociology |
RSO80430 | MSc Thesis Rural Sociology |
RSO58806 | Beyond Sustainability: Theorizing Post- & Anti-Capitalist Food Futures |
RSO70424 | MSc Internship Rural Sociology |
RSO79324 | MSc Research Practice Rural Sociology |
RSO70224 | MSc Internship Rural Sociology |
RSO22306 | Food Culture and Customs |
RSO51303 | Capita Selecta Rural Sociology |
RSO58806 | Beyond Sustainability: Theorizing Post- & Anti-Capitalist Food Futures |
RSO50806 | Capita Selecta Rural Sociology |
RSO79324 | MSc Research Practice Rural Sociology |
RSO79224 | MSc Research Practice Rural Sociology |
RSO31806 | Advanced Rural Sociology: Alternatives in food provisioning and place making |
RSO70424 | MSc Internship Rural Sociology |
RSO70224 | MSc Internship Rural Sociology |
RSO80436 | MSc Thesis Rural Sociology |
RSO80430 | MSc Thesis Rural Sociology |
RSO80424 | MSc Thesis Rural Sociology |
GEO58806 | Intersectional Feminist Approaches |