
WUR Emphasises the Importance of Water for Food Security during the Opening of the Academic Year

September 4, 2024

“Let us work together, globally, for a future where water and food are secure not only for ourselves, but for all people.” This call was made by President of the Executive Board Sjoukje Heimovaara during the opening of the 2024-2025 academic year at Wageningen University & Research..

According to Heimovaara, the effects of climate change on water availability are already visible. Agriculture is struggling with summer droughts, alternating with sudden moments of excessive amounts of water. Deltas like the Netherlands are also increasingly experiencing problems with salinisation. “When we talk about the impact of climate change on food production, water is central. But it is precisely this critical resource that is increasingly under pressure.”

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Photos: Guy Ackermans

The Speakers

Two scientists from Wageningen University & Research highlighted the importance of the water-food connection from different disciplines. Hester Biemans spoke about the increasing risks surrounding the complex interplay of water and food production in Asia. Through her research, Biemans seeks to gain insights into the intricate connections between water availability and food production in the river basins originating from the Himalayas. Hester Biemans is a researcher with the Water and Food research group at Wageningen Environmental Research and a special professor at the Earth Systems and Global Change Group.

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Wieke Pot pleaded to immediately prepare for future water extremes. She discussed the difficulties that governments face in focusing on the long term. According to her, science can support governments by providing insights into available policy instruments and by outlining positive future scenarios. Wieke Pot is an assistant professor of 'Long-term governance for water and climate change' in the Public Administration and Policy Group at Wageningen University & Research and a member of the Dutch Scientific Climate Council.

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Rector magnificus Carolien Kroeze officially opened the 2024-2025 academic year at the conclusion of the event. She addressed the upcoming challenging period for WUR and other Dutch universities because of proposed cuts, and highlighted the value of the combination of University & Research, and the importance of working together. "Together, we identify solutions for the challenges that we are facing, for farmers and the agricultural sector, for society and nature, in the Netherlands and abroad."

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Videos and photos of the event can be viewed on this page: Opening Academic Year 2024-2025 - WUR

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