Doctoral Mobility (PhD candidates) [under construction]
Through the Erasmus+ programme funded by the European Union, Wageningen University & Research has funding available for Doctoral Mobility in Erasmus+ programme countries.
The objective of the Erasmus+ porgramme is to enhance international exchanges for students, PhD candidates and staff. All PhD candidates with a WUR account can apply for Erasmus+ Doctoral mobility funding. Grants are available on a first come first served basis and until the Doctoral mobility budget has been exhausted. Note that they are a compensation rather than a full coverage of costs. You are not allowed to receive Erasmus+ funding for activities that already receive support from another EU cooperation programme or project. Also note that EU institutions and organisations are excluded as hosts of staff mobility activities.
Staff interested in mobility can find more information here.
PhD candidates from partner universities interested in coming to WUR for teaching or training through the Erasmus+ Programme
can find more information here.
More information on participation in BIPs can be found here.
PhD candidates interested in going abroad to teach can apply for a staff teaching mobility grant.
For requirements and procedure please visit this site.
Please note that PhD candidates who want to teach do need to have an employment relation with WUR.
PhD candidates who do not have WUR staff status and are interested in going abroad to take part in a study or training activity can apply for a short-term Doctoral mobility grant. The grant is transferred directly to the participant's chair group. For PhD candidates who do have WUR staff status, the routing is throught outgoing Staff Exchange
There are two categories for which the requirements slightly differ:
- Study mobility - Short Term education, like summer schools and Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)
- Traineeship mobility – Other forms of training, like internships research activities, lab work, field study
Participation in conferences is not eligible for funding through an Erasmus+ mobility grant;
- The PhD candidate must have a WUR account (and WUR e-mail address which will be used in the grant procedure);
- The training must be relevant to your PhD work;
- The mobility can take place at higher education institutions and organisations (e.g. businesses, public bodies, social partners, research institutes and non-government organisations) within Erasmus+ programme countries. Note that EU institutions and organisations are excluded as hosts of staff mobility activities.
- For Study mobilities, there needs to be an Interinstitutional Agreement (IIA) between WUR and the receiving institute. Universitiesor institutions organising study-mobility need to be listed on our WUR partner page (meaning there is an IIA). If the university or institution is not listed please contact
- Duration: between 5 and 30 days (excluding travel days). The daily grant amount is 79 Euro for days 1-14 and is reduced after the 14th day to 56 Euro;
- If travelling green, you can receive funding for one day before and oneday after the mobility. No travel days will be funded for travel days whichtake place on the first or last day of the funded mobility
- Your supervisor must approve the stay. The Erasmus+ grant is paid to your chairgroup and your costs will be covered by your chair group. This coverage should be approved by your supervisor.
- You can apply for Doctoral mobility more than once, but there must be at least 3 months between thephysical stays abroad for which Erasmus funding is requested.
Documents before departure (application of Erasmus+ grant)
1. Participation form
Your supervisor needs to approve your participation in a short doctoral mobility. If your supervisor
agrees to your participation, you should send a completed and signed Participation form at least 6 weeks before the
start date, save it as "Participation form PhD [Last name], and email it to
2. Grant Agreement (GA)
The document can be downloaded here.
The GA is a contract between the PhD candidate and the Exchange Office, covering exchange details, financial matters and rights & responsibilities. Only the PhD candidate signs; the Exchange Office will sign after the application is complete. Indicate the mobility type (Blended Intensive Programme, short-term study exchange, or short-term traineeship). If you don’t have a student number, use your WUR ID (login ID). Submit the document preferably one month before, but at least before the mobility starts.
Once the GA is fully completed, signed by you, save as "GA PhD [Last name]" and email it to
3. Learning Agreement for PhD short mobility (LA)
The LA for short term study mobility can be dowloaded here.
The LA for short term traineeship mobility can be downloaded here.
The LA is a contract between the PhD candidate, the home university (=Exchange Office), and the receiving university (= the university where you will undertake your mobility). The LA should ideally be submitted one month before your departure, but no later than the start of your exchange period. Since obtaining signatures can take time, we offer some flexibility but ask that you inform us of possible delays in a timely manner. Note that the Erasmus+ grant will be paid only after all required forms have been received.
Once the LA is fully completed and signed by you, the Exchange Office and the receiving institution, please save it as "LA PhD [Last name]" and send it to
4. Online Linquistic Support (OLS) Placement Test
The OLS platform, accessible via EU Academy (, offers language tests and courses. We made this guide to help you create an account, log-in and take your OLS test.
While not mandatory, we recommend taking the OLS Placement Test before departure. This will help you to assess your language proficiency and access personalised learning. The test is unnecessary if the main language of instruction is your mother tongue. Test results do not affect Erasmus+ participation.
Documents upon return (after the physical mobility has ended)
For study mobility:
1) Certificate of Attendance (CA)
The document can be downloaded here.
This document needs to be completed, signed and stamped by the receiving institution and will be used to calculate the actual grant amount that you should receive for the mobility. Please save the document as: "CA PhD [Last name]" and send it to
2) Original Transcript of Records (TOR)
Do not forget to ask your host institution for a TOR before you return to the Netherlands. The courses on the TOR need to correspond with those on your Learning Agreement. The original TOR from your receiving institution has to be handed in as soon as it is available and needs to be dated, signed and stamped.
The TOR can be handed in as follows:
• Digitally secured pdfs can be forwarded to;
• Your host university can send us a digital copy directly at
You can come to the Erasmus Office (Forum room 57D) and we will scan your hard copy;
• Your host university can send us a hard copy by post:
Study abroad office, Room 57D Forum (building 102),
Droevendaalsesteeg 2, P.O. Box 414,
6708 PB Wageningen, The Netherlands
TOR not yet available?
In that case you can hand in your TOR when it becomes available. However, do hand in the CA within 4 weeks, and please keep us informed about the progress.
3) Erasmus +participant report
You need to fill out the Erasmus+ participant survey in order to provide feedback on your Erasmus+ Mobility period. You will receive an email from the European Commission with a link to this questionnaire after your exchange period has ended. This data is used to evaluate the success and areas of improvement of our Erasmus+ Projects.
For traineeship mobility:
1) Traineeship Certificate (TC)
The document can be downloaded here.
This document needs to be completed, signed and stamped by the receiving institution and will be used to calculate the actual grant that you should receive for the exchange period. Please save the document as: TA PhD [Last name] and send it to
2) Erasmus+ participant report
You need to fill out the Erasmus+ participant survey in order to provide feedback on your Erasmus+ Mobility period. You will receive an email from the European Commission with a link to this questionnaire after your exchange period has ended. This data is used to evaluate the success and areas of improvement of our Erasmus+ Projects.
Erasmus+ grant payment
Grant amounts
The Erasmus+ grant amount is made up of a daily living allowance, with possible top-ups for fewer opportunities or green travel. Note that the amounts are subject to change due to budget availability and/or indexation.
Deacription | Amount (Academic Year 2024-2025) |
Base amount 5-14 days | 79 Euro/day |
Base amount 15-30 days | 56 Euro/day |
Base amount travel days | as above |
Top-up fewer opportunities (5-14 days) | 100 Euro (one off) + travel support |
Top-up fewer opportunities (5-28 days) | 150 Euro (one off0 + travel support |
Green travel top-up | 50 Euro |
For information about top-ups for fewer opportunities, please go to this page.
Note that the amounts mentioned on that page differ from the table above. The amounts on that page are for Long Term mobility (> 2 months) and do not apply to Short Term mobility. The amounts relevant to Short Term mobility are available in the table above. If you think that you will be eligible for a top-up please fill in the declaration of honour on that page and add it to your application.
Green travel funding
Take a train or bus to your destination and the Erasmus+ Programme foresees an extra 50 Euros and additional days of grant support.
In line with WUR’s travel policy, we ask you to consider whether your trip is really necessary; whether video or e-conferencing is an option; and whether smart travel (combining different goals during the trip, possibly also on behalf of colleagues) is possible. Additionally, we highly encourage you to use low-carbon alternatives to short-haul flights. For destinations that are up to a 6 to 8 hour range of travel-time by train, this mode of transport should be used.
The Erasmus+ Programme strives to reduce the CO2 footprint of its participants by encouraging modes of ‘more green’ travel. This through making a Green Travel top-up available to its participants. Are you travelling to AND from your mobility destination by train, carpooling or bus? Then make sure you apply for the top-up!
- You are travelling to AND from your destination by bicycle, train, bus or carpooling (shared car, travelling with co-workers, but not with family members for vacation purposes before or after the mobility);
- The distance band to your destination is between 100km and 3999km.
1. Complete and sign the Declaration of Honour. Send the completed and signed Declaration of Honour to together with the required documents as stated in the above procedure for short Doctoral Mobility.
2. Send proof of your Green Travel (for example a bus/train ticket, both ways!) to together with the required documents as stated in the above procedure for short Doctoral Mobility.
For a comprehensive overview of our team, please click here. The Erasmus+ Administrators will be your main points of contact PhD mobility.