The Go/No-Go Evaluation

Within 8 to 15 months from the start of a PhD, progress of each PhD candidate will be evaluated by the supervisors. Based on this evaluation, the Academic Board will determine if the candidate can proceed with the PhD (Go) or not (No Go).

    The first year

    Once the PhD candidate has started the PhD project and has met the entry requirements, the following criteria must be complied within the first year before the Go/No-Go decision is taken:

    Approved TSP

    Three months after the start of the PhD programme, the candidate submits a Training and Supervision Plan (TSP) in Hora Finita. See the website of the associated Graduate School for the TSP form, specific procedures and requirements.

    Approved project proposal

    Within 6 months after the start of the PhD programme a full PhD project proposal must be submitted in Hora Finita. The Graduate School sends the submitted proposals for peer review where it is evaluated on scientific quality, innovativeness and feasibility of the intended/presented research. See the website of the associated Graduate School for the project proposal form, specific procedures and requirements

    Pass the Go/No-Go Evaluation

    The Go/No-Go evaluation has to be taken within 8-15 months after the start of the PhD project. A PhD candidate with an employment contract needs Go decision in order to receive contract extension for the rest of the PhD project. In both cases (Go or No-Go), the Graduate School needs to be informed. The Go / No-go evaluation form needs to be submitted in Hora Finita, find more information about the process here. It is advised to go through the table with required academic skills for a Go decision at least once; preferably a couple of months before the final go/no-go is registered by the promotor in Hora Finita.

    In the case of a no-go decision, the PhD project will be terminated and the PhD candidate cannot continue or re-enter the Wageningen University & Research (WUR) PhD programme. In the case of an employment contract, this will not be extended.

    Within six weeks after a no-go decision, the PhD candidate can submit a request for mediation or complaint handling to the Academic Board. The appeal will be handled according to the procedures described in the Doctoral Degree Regulations of Wageningen University & Research.

    PhD categories

    Wageningen University & Research (WUR) recognises several types of PhD candidates. Although application procedures vary between these categories the entry requirements and admission criteria are the same for all.