P5-Pubquiz Tournament WIAS-ACCIE
WIAS Magazine - Spring edition 2022
On Thursday the 3rd of March WIAS-ACCIE organized the one and only P5-pubquiz tournament. Hosted at Onder de Linden, this was the night to distinguish the real home-office workers from the procrastinating Wikipedia-wizards. Twenty-eight participants, divided over seven teams, were quizzed to determine their knowledgeability on everything non-Animal-Science related. With topics ranging from hypothetical crossbreeding experiments between Elvis Presley and Bob Marley, to the smuggling antics of Richard Nixon, the participants could show off their non-PhD related knowledge. Tension soared over the three rounds of questions, due to fierce competition, attempts at cheating and doubts regarding the impartiality of the judges. In the end, however, there could only be one winner which proved to be the Awesome-Penguin-Squad (APS) team who apparently memorized Wikipedia better than the competition.

Accie is planning to host another activity in June 2022, so stay tuned for further activities! In addition, we are looking for new people to join the team! If you are interested in helping us thinking up and organizing these kind of activities send an email to waps.wias@wur.nl