Student information

FOS Administrative Months

Student organisations are important for WUR and rely on the efforts of active students. If you serve on the board, you may be eligible for a board grant. This grant is intended as compensation for any study delays caused by your involvement.

Recognised organisations: How do I apply for FOS administrative months for the board members?

If your student organisation already has FOS recognition, you can apply for the allocated board months. The application must be submitted by a representative of the board for all board members who are stepping down.

Full-time board members are an exception: they can submit the application before the start of the board year.

How to apply for the compensation:

  • Fill out form A as an organisation.
  • Fill out form B for each individual board member.
  • Send both forms to:

New organisations: How do I apply for FOS recognition for my organisation?

Does your organisation not yet have FOS recognition? Then you can apply for recognition. The FOS Recognition Scheme sets out exactly what is required of an organisation. You will find this information in the Student Charter. Please read this before applying!

Are you planning to set up a new organisation or do you have questions about the support available? We are happy to assist you! Feel free to contact us.

Three-yearly assessment of recognised organisations

Every three years, all organisations are assessed according to the FOS regulation. Changes within the organisation may affect the number of board months granted. Therefore, each organisation must submit an evaluation document during this mandatory assessment. This allows the FOS committee to gain insight into the latest developments.
