Bioprocess Engineering
Bioprocess Engineering teaches and develops innovative bio-based processes. We work on a sustainable and healthy future by engineering efficient bioprocesses for high quality products. Bioprocess Engineering studies and develops photoautotrophic and heterotrophic production systems for biobased products, as well as high-quality processes for the production of biopharmaceuticals.
Chair holder
Research themes
- Courses at BSc and MSc study programmes of Biotechnology, Biobased Science and Food Technology
- Thesis projects for BSc and MSc students
- Internships for BSc and MSc students
Pilot-Scale Oxygen-Balanced Mixotrophic Cultivation of Galdieria sulphuraria
Process intensification of the baculovirus expression vector system using a perfusion process with a low multiplicity of infection at high cell concentrations
Phosphorus starvation induces the synthesis of novel lipid class diacylglyceryl glucuronide and diacylglyceryl-N,N,N-trimethylhomoserine in two species of cold-adapted microalgae Raphidonema (Chlorophyta)