
Integrative Omics reveals changes in the cellular landscape of peroxisome-deficient pex3 yeast cells

Kosir, Tjasa; Das, Hirak; Pedersen, Marc Pilegaard; Richard, Ann Kathrin; Anteghini, Marco; dos Santos, Vitor Martins; Oeljeklaus, Silke; van der Klei, Ida J.; Warscheid, Bettina


Peroxisomes are organelles that are crucial for cellular metabo lism, but they also play important roles in non-metabolic processes such as signalling, stress response or antiviral defense. To uncover the consequences of peroxisome deficiency, we compared Saccharomyces cerevisiae wild-type with pex3 cells, which lack peroxisomes, employing quantitative prote omics and transcriptomics technologies. Cells were grown on acetate, a car bon source that requires peroxisomal enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle to generate energy and essential carbohydrates, and that does not repress the expression of peroxisomal genes. Our integrative omics analysis reveals that the absence of peroxisomes induces distinct responses at the level of the transcriptome and proteome. Transcripts of genes and corresponding pro teins that are associated with peroxisomal p oxidation were mostly increased in pex3 cells. In contrast, levels of peroxins were regulated at protein but not at transcript level. Membrane-bound peroxins were reduced, whereas the soluble receptors Pex5 and Pex7 were increased in abundance in pex3 cells. Interestingly, we found several non-peroxisomal transcript and proteins regulated in pex3 cells including mitochondrial proteins involved in respiration or import processes, which led to the identification of the mitochondrial py ruvate carrier Mpc1/3 as so far unnoticed transporter present in the peroxi somal membrane. Our results reveal the impact of the absence of peroxisomes in pex3 yeast cells and represent a rich resource of genes/proteins for follow-up studies to obtain a deeper understanding of peroxisome biology in a cellular context.