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Projecten - dr.ir. SA (Sander) Peters
Pangenome architecture and differentiation of agronomical traits in the Capsicum clade
Pangenome architecture and differentiation of agronomical traits in the Capsicum clade - WUR Project Pangenome architecture and differentiation of... -
Thermal control of meiotic recombination
Thermal control of meiotic recombination - WUR Project Thermal control of meiotic recombination For adding novel beneficial traits to crop varieties,... -
Meiotic recombination profiling by multi-locus genotyping and recombination bin mapping of nuclei from F1 pollen
Meiotic recombination profiling by multi-locus genotyping and recombination bin mapping of nuclei from F1 pollen - WUR Project Meiotic recombination... -
MEICOM - WUR Project MEICOM De vraag naar innovatieve voedselgewassen vereist dat via het biologische proces van meiotische recombinatie, genetisch... -
COMREC is built on the hypothesis that the control of meiotic crossover (CO) frequency and distribution is dependent on the interplay between the...