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Onderwijsactiviteiten - ir. M (Marjan) Wink
Bsc: presentatievaardigheden, persoonlijk motivatie kompas
Msc: Mos modules, argumenteren, onderhandelen, intuitieve intelligentie, presenteren, management vaardigheden, dialoog, coachen (ACT), communicatietrainingen, reflectief leren.
Overig: intervisie met ACT coaches. medewerker ontwikkelen ACT
YSS31306 | Thesis & Professional Path MDR |
ELS67500 | Dialogue skills |
ELS51403 | Intuitive Intelligence |
ELS51901 | Personal Motivation Assessment |
ELS65800 | Intuitive Intelligence |
ELS67800 | Professional and Personal Resilience: The Science and Practice of Well-Being |
ELS68300 | Identifying Your Motivation |
ELS67500 | Dialogue skills |
ELS51403 | Intuitive Intelligence |
ELS65800 | Intuitive Intelligence |
ELS51901 | Personal Motivation Assessment |
ELS68300 | Identifying Your Motivation |