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Projecten - dr. L (Lu) Zhang
Ongoing projects:
- PhD project (Aaditya Venkatachalam): PRINTYOURFOOD Decoupling food composition and texture (link to media report)
- PhD project (Quinten Steffens & Ruihao Zhu): ROBOFOOD The new science and technology of edible robots and robotic food for humans and animals (link to ROBOFOOD website)
- PhD project (Yizhou Ma): Data-driven modelling and adaptive control of extrusion-based 3D printing of complex food systems (link to the project description)
- PhD project (Yifeng Lu): Valorization of agro-food by-streams for food applications (link to the project description)
- PhD project (Nienke Kollmann): Structure formation during high moisture extrusion of plant proteins (link to PlantPROMISE)
- PhD project (Ziqi Zhuang): Aerogel-based encapsulation for targeted delivery of bioactive compounds
Finished projects: