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Onderwijsactiviteiten - dr.ir. JR (Jasper) de Vries


CPT71224 MSc Internship Strategic Communication
CPT78524 MSc Research Practice Strategic Communication
CPT81336 MSc Thesis Strategic Communication
CPT81324 MSc Thesis Strategic Communication
LUP70224 MSc Internship Land Use Planning
LUP70424 MSc Internship Land Use Planning
LUP24306 Concepts and Approaches in Planning Practices
LUP80436 MSc Thesis Land Use Planning
SLM33806 Pyrogeography
CPT79524 MSc Research Practice Strategic Communication
LAR29306 History of Ideas in Landscape Architecture and Planning
CPT71324 MSc Internship Strategic Communication
CPT81330 MSc Thesis Strategic Communication
LUP24306 Concepts and Approaches in Planning Practices
LUP30806 Studio Participatory Planning
LAR29306 History of Ideas in Landscape Architecture and Planning
LUP70424 MSc Internship Land Use Planning
LUP70224 MSc Internship Land Use Planning