Projecten - JM (Jantsje) van Loon-Steensma
All-Risk - Implementation of new risk standards in the Dutch flood protection program (STW-NWO Perspectief Program)
The introduction of new flood risk standards in the Netherlands leads to a complex task to assess all flood defences and to reinforce dike sections that do not meet these new standards. There are still many uncertainties (a.o. related to the impact of climate change), which results in a need for more knowledge and innovation. Furthermore, the involvement of a broad range of stakeholders forms a challenge.
All-Risk is expected to result in major savings in public expenditures, as future dike reinforcements can be more cost-effective than in the traditional, often conservative, approach.
All-Risk participants: Delft University of Technology (program leader), Wageningen University, NIOZ & RU Groningen, UNESCO-IHE Delft, University of Twente, Utrecht University, Radboud University Nijmegen. Users: Companies, Knowledge Institutes and International academic partners, Water boards, RWS, NGO’s, Provinces.
I am projectleaders of the subproject 'Shared use of flood defences'. (PhD Richard Marijnissen)
Large stretches of coastal and river dikes are used for multiple co-functions (including nature and landscape values). Some of these functions (e.g., recreation or agricultural use) imply a shared use of the flood defence, and hardly affect the functioning of the flood defence (under proper management and maintenance). This project addresses the question of how to enable multiple uses in the new flood risk approach, while at the same time meeting the reliability requirements. It will focuses on different representative cases (e.g. the Dutch Wadden Sea coast, and in particular on the innovative Parallel defence concept in Delfzijl and on the Wide green dike along the Dollard – eastern Wadden Sea). Attention will be paid to all different functions in the foreshore, the dike zone, as well as at the landward side of the dike zone.
Weerbare Waddenkust (Wadden Academie)
The Wadden coastal landscape reflects the long and established tradition of water management and flood protection by dikes in this region. Progressive water management and land reclamation (and also flood disasters) over the past centuries have moved and shaped the coastline. The current land use is based on both physical landscape characteristics and water management. At many locations historical man-made dwelling mounds and dikes and historical water works are still recognizable in the landscape.
Recent climate change projections warn for a strong sea level rise which may result in major challenges for flood risk management in the Wadden region. It is therefore important to think about how to prepare the Wadden region for future flood risk in a suitable and sustainable way that preserves important natural as well as cultural-historical values. The new flood risk strategy in the Netherlands now also includes the multi-layered approach (protection by dikes – spatial planning – evacuation). This may open a window for including or connecting to natural, physical and cultural-historical landscape elements.
The aim of this project is to obtain insight in possible strategies (and measures) that connect to / are based on the characteristics of Wadden coast sections. The measures may cover a wide coastal zone, and are meant to protect the Wadden Sea residents and economic values under a future sea level rise up to 2 m. in 2100. Students of Wageningen University as well as of Van Hall are invited to participate in this project.
Projectpartners: Drs. Mindert de Vries (Van Hall / Deltares), Prof. dr. Tjeerd Bouma (NIOZ / UU / RUG), Harry Schelfhout (Schelfhout Advies)