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Publicaties - dr.ir. JCM (Hans) Verhoef
Safety and benefits of interventions to improve folate status in malaria-endemic areas.
British Journal of Haematology (in press) -
Effect of daily antenatal iron supplementation on Plasmodium infection in Kenyan women: a randomized clinical trial.
Journal of the American Medical Association 314:1009-1020. -
Effect of biofortified yellow cassava on vitamin A status in Kenyan children: a randomised controlled trial.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 103:258-67. -
Proxy markers of serum retinol concentration, used alone and in combination, to assess population vitamin A status in Kenyan children: a cross-sectional study.
BMC Medicine 13:30. -
Diagnostic utility of zinc protoporphyrin to detect iron deficiency in Kenyan pregnant women.
BMC Med 12:229