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Projecten - ACE (Eva) Meijers MSc

2021-2025 Climate-smart Forestry Climate-smart forestry is urgently needed to sustain and/or increase forest productivity, forest resilience and forest carbon storage in order to mitigate climate change. However we lack crucial insight into the effects of forest management on the growth and survival of trees, as well as on carbon storage in trees and forest soils, particularly under increased incidence of drought. The overall aim of the project is therefore to quantify the effects of drought and management-controlled stand density on forest productivity, forest resilience, and carbon storage in trees and soils. More details at: https://www.wur.nl/en/persons/eva-ace-eva-meijers-msc.htm?subpage=projects

2021 PPS Effectief klimaatgroen Within this project the benefits of urban trees are examined to support city-planner tools for climate-resilient species selection. Here, we specifically look into the mitigation of urban heat stress on a local scale. Measurements are done on various tree species, tree characteristics, and street configurations to elucidate the reasons for the found differences between tree species. Simultaneously, street configurations with varying green types are build within a model environment using ENVImet to digitally assess the effectiveness of cooling during days of heat stress. More details at: https://www.wur.nl/nl/onderzoek-resultaten/onderzoeksprojecten-lnv/expertisegebieden/kennisonline/effectief-groen-voor-klimaatadaptatie-in-de-stad-1.htm

2021 Sensing the Soil To progress to more sustainable agricultural systems wherin resources are sustainably managed, we need to gather more data on field variability. This can be achieved by making more use of (but also improve) sensoring techniques. In this project steps are made to assess the performance alongside the applicability of an array of soil moisture sensors and soil scanners through experimental design. More details at: https://www.wur.nl/nl/onderzoek-resultaten/onderzoeksprojecten-lnv/expertisegebieden/kennisonline/sensing-the-soil.htm

2021 SunBiose Can we combine solar panel systems with agricultural fields in such a way that the system remains profitable? In this project we experimentally test the potential of the combining agri-PV systems and four crops (strawberry, raspberry, red currant, and pear). We monitor aspects such as light interception, plant growth, yields, water usage, required pest-and disease control. We hope with this project to find options how to create multi-purpose agricultural land use. More details at: https://sunbiose.nl/