Optimal Breeding with Robotics

Wageningen University & Research is specialised in sensing & plant/animal phenotyping with non-destructive, fast and robust applications. In co-development with machine builders and breeding companies we develop objective methods to collect data for describing variety performances in all stages of (re)production.

Join our research

Do you join us in scaling up experimental results in controlled conditions to full-scale field experiments in a real-life setting?  Be the first to benefit from the phenomics-based solutions for cultivation and breeding challenges in the near future. See successful examples at www.phenomics.nl.

Innovative technologies for crop improvement

Optimal growing conditions of advanced plant, livestock and food production systems are searched for based on measurement on seeds, plants, animals and their products as fruits, seeds, milk, meat, eggs and leaves suitable for consumption. High throughput plant/animal phenotyping technologies are therefore rapidly becoming essential in plant and animal breeding for crop and animal improvement. We use techniques of computer vision, automated quality measurements, deep learning, robotic systems; autonomation and data collections and collect large-scale datasets with advanced AI tools.

We offer you

  • Co-development of new applications with machine builders and breeding companies to measure plant variety performances in all growth stages
  • Detailed and fast 3D reconstruction of plants to measure individual plant parts
  • Sensor fusion (3D, hyperspectral and colour) to create tailor made and robust measurements tools
  • Artificial Intelligence techniques such as deep learning
  • Non-destructive prediction of plant/fruit/meat/milk/egg quality


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