The Network for the Biology of Zinc (Zinc-Net)
Descriptions are provided by the Actions (Action TD1304) directly via e-COST.
Zinc is involved in an extraordinary range of biological processes and is essential for growth, development and protection from disease. Zinc imbalance and/or deficiency is the 11th leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, according to the World Health Organisation. Despite the significant implications for human health that can be directly correlated to zinc, the substantial scientific knowledge base of zinc biology dispersed throughout COST countries remains virtually un-translated into an understandable message to the public and end users. The Action will bring together different scientific disciplines, specifically chemistry, biology, nutritionists, health professionals and other end users, with industrial stakeholders and policy formers to develop a coherent platform for discussion, collaborative research and dissemination of information relating to the role zinc plays in biology, public health and well-being. The multidisciplinary nature of this collaborative network will generate synergy to significantly improve the prevention and treatment of diseases, to develop new diagnostic tools and to strengthen the basic and applied science knowledge base. Ultimately this will benefit the wider society and economy. The Action will broaden training activities for all participating countries, with a focus on early stage researchers. Specific attention will be paid to overcome gender imbalance and scientific leadership through mentoring.
Action website of Zinc-Net: http://zinc-net.com
Detailed information about the COST office can be found at: www.cost.eu