Prof. Dr. Ede Brouwer 1939 - 1964

Dr. Ede Brouwer was appointed as professor in Animal Physiology in 1938. Prof. Dr. Ede Brouwer, a trained physician, also taught human physiology. His inaugural lecture was entitled, ‘the essential nutrients’. Prof. Ede Brouwer was active in the Wageningen University organization.

Serving as Rector Magnificus (1948-1949) of Wageningen University, just like prof. Gerrit Grijns (1929-1930), illustrates this. Under the supervision of professor Brouwer the new Laboratory of Physiology was built in 1954. The building, that exists to this day, was specifically designed to study all aspects of metabolism and included respiration chambers for large animals. Prof. Brouwer stayed on until his retirement in 1964.