BSc thesis topics at the Host-Microbe Interactomics Group
The topics where BSc students can carry out thesis research are listed on the webpages linked at here. If you come across a topic that you find interesting, feel free to directly contact the BSc thesis coordinator (Sylvia Brugman).
Thesis rings
HMI provides BSc thesis rings twice per year for students who wish to write a literature thesis. In the beginning of period 1 and at the beginning of period 5 you can join the thesis rings. These thesis rings are mandatory as they introduce all the things that are important to know when writing a literature thesis.
During the thesis rings we discuss how to start, how to find literature, how to structure the different parts of your thesis etc. The thesis rings will also use peer feedback. You will read and comment on written text by your fellow students and reflect on your own writing.
These thesis rings are provided independently of your subject at HMI. Depending on your subject you will have an HMI supervisor to give constructive feedback, different viewpoints and help with the understanding the subject matter.
How does it work?
Before period 1 or 5 starts, identify your thesis topic. If you find a topic of interest (see on the right side of the screen) you can send an email to Sylvia Brugman (sylvia.brugman@wur.nl). Depending on your topic you will be assigned a BSc thesis supervisor. You will be enrolled in the thesis rings, which will be held every week (time depends on shared availability of students and tutor) for the first 4 weeks. In the meantime, you will also meet once or twice with your HMI BSc thesis supervisor to discuss your choice of topic and planning.
During the thesis rings, we will look at different aspects of the thesis and you will get help on structure, information literacy, active/passive voice etc. So in the first four weeks of the thesis we will cover the basics. After these four weeks you will mainly meet with your BSc thesis supervisor, as most of the questions will be content specific.