Host-Microbe Interactomics
Our research ranges from work on the molecular mechanisms of diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria to the interactions between and beneficial bacteria and their human or animal hosts. The group combines expertise in cell biology, immunology, microbiology and functional genomics to further our understanding of the molecular interactions occurring in the cross-talk between microbes and their hosts.
Chair holder

To search for novel antibiotics, we are part of National Center of One Health, Antimicrobial Resistance.
Our research
Our education
We provide education on biology of infectious diseases, beneficial host-microbe interactions, and approaches to combating infectious diseases.
Latest publications
Differences in maternal diet fiber content influence patterns of gene expression and chromatin accessibility in fetuses and piglets
Choroid plexus organoids reveal mechanisms of Streptococcus suis translocation at the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier
Tomato responses to nitrogen, drought and combined stresses : Shared and specific effects on vascular plant anatomy, nutrient partitioning and amino acids profile