Possible topics for MSc or BSc theses Interested in doing a thesis/internship at EZO? Get in touch about theses at EZO Our current thesis topics Diversification of flight kinematics and morphology in Dipteran insects The diversity of flying insects suggests that countless combinations of flight morphologies and behaviors have evolved with specific lifestyles. The... Insect landing behaviour on moving flowers Insects are important pollinators in both nature and agriculture. For example, in one hour of foraging, a bee can land on and consequently pollinate... At first thought: Emergent brain dynamics during C. elegans development The brain with its many interconnected neurons is the most complex organ of our body and plays a pivotal role in processing information and... Flight ability and morphology in the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis The ability of dispersal to a new habit by flight is recognised as one of the main causes of the ecological and evolutionary success of winged... Stem Cell Dynamics during Planarian Regeneration Planarian flatworms are true masters of regeneration. Even a tiny piece of the tail can repattern itself into a perfectly shaped worm by regrowing all... Previous1234Next Linkedin Whatsapp Twitter Email