Seosan Demonstration of Innovative Greenhouse Horticulture
The Seosan reclaimed land is located southwest of Seoul and is the only reclaimed land developed by the private sector in South Korea. In 1970s, President Park asked the Hyundai Motor Group to reclaim the land for food security. Parts of the land have been given other functions, but more recently, theHyundai groupwas askedto develop around 100 ha land as a hi-tech agricultural cluster. NorthernLight BV was subsequently requested tomakethe masterplan for ‘Little Netherlands’. The land was designed with greenhouses, agro-tourism, circular agriculture and care farm. The planning of the project started in 2020, and will be completed by 2022 or 2023 at the latest.Dutch companies have been involved in the development of an agro-tourism zone and a 5 ha state-of-the-art production greenhouse.
A part of the agricultural cluster will be a demonstration greenhouse where innovative technologies will be demonstrated to visitors, including growers and other sector stakeholders.It is one of the key attractions of ‘Little Netherlands’.Innovations can for example be in the fieldsof fossil-free production, sensor technology, application of big data and artificial intelligence to generate crop and climate management advices(‘automated greenhouse control’), robotization, and biological crop protection.These technologies are in variousstages of R&D or application in The Netherlands, and equally applicable to other places. The Dutch supply industry is strongly involved in commercial adaptation and implementation of such technologies.The R&D opportunity lies in the further development, validation and application of new technologiesunder different conditionsin terms of climate, economic setting and technological level of the sector. The trade opportunity lies in the unique platform that the demonstration farm provides for Dutch supply industry towards the South Korean horticultural sector.