Preventive health
Empowering health through WUR capabilities on prevention - HEAPR
Last year an inventory was made on WUR expertise on a healthy, sustainable lifestyle and enhancing the wellbeing of children and adolescents (Report 2229 “Enhancing the wellbeing of children and adolescents: an integrated approach to supporting a healthy, sustainable lifestyle: Opportunities for a "One-Wageningen” initiative”). This inventory made clear that at WUR we have a great deal of expwertise on the topic of Preventive health. However, the expertise is scattered across WUR and it may be not known by different stakeholders that WUR has this expertise, leading to missed opportunities.
To bring this topic further, we now want to profile our expertise in a broader scope, i.e. Preventive Health:
- Primary prevention: Interventions aimed at avoiding the occurrence and exposure to risk factors and reducing or limiting the risk of developing disease and/or promoting mental health;
- Secondary prevention: Interventions aimed at detecting and/or predicting occurrence and progression/worsening of an existing disease;
- Tertiary prevention: Interventions aimed at reducing the negative impacts of symptomatic diseases (e.g. stroke, cancer)
The now proposed work is to make an inventory on WUR expertise and capabilities on empowering health through prevention.