IJsselmeer en Markermeer
LNV is responsible for management of the IJsselmeer and Markermeer. In this project data are collected and analysed in order to provide advice on management of the IJsselmeer and Markermeer. The data collection takes account of the requirements indicated in the above mentioned legislation.
The management of fresh water systems is an area of shared responsibility between the Ministries of LNV and I&W. To a large extent the national management of fresh waters is framed within international legislation such as European Natura 2000/Habitat Directive, Water Framework Directive and Eel Regulation (nationally translated into Eel management plans, see also ‘Aalonderzoek’).
LNV is responsible for management of the IJsselmeer and Markermeer. In this project data are collected and analysed in order to provide advice on management of the IJsselmeer and Markermeer. The data collection takes account of the requirements indicated in the above mentioned legislation.
project: The most important source of information is collected through an open water research vessel survey in the IJsselmeer and Markermeer, and a sampling programme along the shorelines of these lakes. The surveys provide an assessment of the state of the ecosystem and in particular the fish stocks in these lakes.
The occurrence of salmonids, and other migratory and rare fish species in the IJsselmeer and coastal waters is monitored using fyke catch registrations. A significant part of our monitoring is carried out in close cooperation with commercial fishermen.
Results and products: conducting the field work; support and update of the national database containing fresh water fish data; contribution to website; annual reports with project results.
Diadrome vissen in het IJsselmeer / Markermeer en de Waddenzee: Jaarraport 2010
IJmuiden: IMARES (Rapport / IMARES Wageningen UR nr.: C048/12) -
Toestand vis en visserij in de zoete Rijkswateren. Deel II: Methoden
IJmuiden: IMARES (Rapport / IMARES Wageningen UR C059/13) -
Toestand vis en visserij in de zoete Rijkswateren. Deel III: Data
IJmuiden: IMARES (Rapport / IMARES Wageningen UR C060/13) -
Toestand vis en visserij in de Zoete Rijkswateren: 2012 Deel I: Trends van de visbestanden, vangsten en ecologische kwaliteit ratio's
IJmuiden: IMARES (Rapport / IMARES Wageningen UR C058/13) -
Report on the eel stock and eel fishery in the Netherlands in 2012
IJmuiden: IMARES (Rapport / IMARES Wageningen UR C048/14) -
Toestand vis en visserij in de zoete Rijkswateren : Deel II: Methoden
IJmuiden: IMARES (Rapport / IMARES C193/15) -
Toestand vis en visserij in de zoete Rijkswateren: 2014 : Deel III: Data
IJmuiden: IMARES (Rapport / IMARES C194/15) -
Toestand vis en visserij in de zoete Rijkswateren 2015 : Deel I : Trends
IJmuiden: Wageningen Marine Research (Wageningen Marine Research rapport C114/16) -
Toestand vis en visserij in de zoete Rijkswateren 2015 Deel III: Data
IJmuiden: Wageningen Marine Research (Rapport / Wageningen Marine Research C116/16) -
Toestand vis en visserij in de zoete Rijkswateren 2015 : Deel II: Methoden
IJmuiden: Wageningen Marine Research (Rapport / Wageningen Marine Research C115/16)