Absolutely Amazonian - From Roadmap to Reality
Interesting initiatives regarding environmentally and socially inclusive economic developments with the help of novel technologies get currently off the ground in Brazil. These reputable products from biodiverse environments have added value from which the local communities benefit and it is important to ensure that these agroforestry products are fully traceable.
The project started from a regional need/question presented to WUR, a representative of the Amazonia 4.0 initiative, to invent a mean/tool/system to assure/guarantee that products as açai can be screened and proved to come from a biodiverse (agro)forestry system. Based on this country owned regional need/question, a roadmap for the development and implementation of a Synergistic Technology Fusion system modifiable to the local situation in the Amazon to ensure the transparency on agrobiodiversity in three representative supply chains (açai, cupuaçu, and cocoa) is developed in a currently running WUR wildcard project. This roadmap will be realised by a consortium of Brazilian key players in the field of biodiverse Amazonian food production systems and WUR knowledge partners on high-tech applications in this area. The current Kansen voor Morgen (KvM) project is the next step to design the Synergistic Technology Fusion system considering the requirements identified in the WUR wildcard project. Finally, we expect that the implementation in the chain with involvement of commercial partners or in a Public-Private-Partnership to commence in the final phase of the KvM project and to continue afterwards.