
SMP24027 Controlled Environment Agriculture Knowledge Alliance in North-East America - BO-69-002-081

Especially in North-East of the US, it is climatically interesting to build high-tech greenhouses aimed at consumer markets of large people concentrations of the big cities like New York, Chicago, etc. However there is lack of knowledge to run high-tech greenhouse in a good manner.

A robust development of sustainable production systems require the integration of Hardware, Orgware and Software: Hardware in the form of technology, Orgware in the form of revenue models and Software in the form of knowledge and skills. And lessons from the past show that the most difficult part for this sustainable development, that also takes the most time to develop, is the last one: developing the knowledge and skills for CEA management and hands-on workers. Together with the local knowledge & business players in these states and in the Netherlands, we want to investigate how to support the knowledge building across the CEA knowledge column from practice to science.

The aim is to explore whether there is support among US knowledge parties and companies to build, in cooperation with Dutch knowledge parties and companies, a long-term strategic international knowledge alliance in the field of knowledge development and technology application in Controlled Environment Agriculture in north-eastern US states, aimed at food security of affordable fresh produce that is also produced sustainably. This consortium is positive about this and willing to contribute to it. The exploration of this SMP will be to get more parties to participate.
