SG - Eco-fascism and the Climate Movement
What, climate and fascism? Are you serious? Yes we are. Let’s find out which factors combine to create this dangerous association.
About Eco-fascism and the Climate Movement
Climate disruption is often presented as something apolitical: in the end, we’re all in the same boat. But is this true? Many people now realise that we aren’t all in the same boat – some people drive climate disruption with superyachts, while other people’s boats are being pushed back when they reach the European borders. What is the relationship between this example of inequality and fascism? In this lecture, philosopher Harriët Bergman will explore the notion of eco-fascism. What is it, and how do we recognise it? And why are climate and our environment not so apolitical as thought?
About the series This is not Fascism
Has fascism lingered under the surface for many decades? Is it staging a comeback in the political arena? This series explores those questions interdisciplinarily, taking perspectives from among others sociology, history and philosophy. Together, we'll unravel the complexities of contemporary fascist organisations. Are they different from past expressions of these politics? And should we all be antifascist, with a loud and clear …………………[insert your slogan here]…………………?
Want to learn more? Check out the multimedia arranged around the globe on the 3rd floor of Forum Library.
About Harriët Bergman (University of Antwerp)

Harriët Bergman (she/her) is a philosopher and activist. She obtained her PhD from the University of Antwerp on climate justice, political emotions and the lessons that the climate movement can learn from other social struggles about violence, privilege and legitimacy. Harriët was active at Fossil Free Culture NL and Code Rood, writes for Hard//Hoofd and Jacobin NL, and is involved in the Stroomversnellers training collective. She wrote the foreword to the Dutch translation of Andreas Malm's Eco-sabotage and published academically on eco-fascism and anti-racist anger.