PhD Programme
Welcome to the pages for Wageningen University & Research PhD candidates! Your starting point to find the information you need.
Why choose Wageningen University & Research?
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) has a name for innovative and ground-breaking research. When it comes to research and providing education, Wageningen University & Research enjoys an outstanding international reputation. As a PhD candidate at WUR, you will develop knowledge that serves mankind and society at large.
PhD & Postdoc courses
Learn more about all Wageningen Graduate School courses.
PhD Vacancies
PPhD Position in Biosensing using colorful liquid crystals
PhD on 'Learning Infrastructures for strengthening the transformative power of experiments'
Post Doctoral Researcher in Cooperative Forms and Circular Bio-Based Business Models
Postdoc/ PhD student Spatial and single cell seed transcriptomics
PhD student position in AI for life sciences with a focus on protein-ligand interaction dynamics
PhD Candidate in Causal Learning and Inference for Nutrition and Biological Ageing