Support Indonesian students with the Gijsbert Oomen Fund

The Gijsbert Oomen Fund aims to allow students from Indonesia to attend a MSc-study at Wageningen University & Research.

The impact of your gift

Thanks to your donation, the fund can help students of the Indonesian nationality, when they do not have the financial means to affort their study. These students will return to their country after their studies, filled with new knowledge and abilities. They can then contribute to their own environment in a positive manner.
The fund supports the students by offering financial support in the form of a full or partial scholarship. The scholarship will be granted in cooperation with the Anne van den Ban Fund.

Continuation Gijsbert Oomen Fund

Françoise Oomen-Kalsbeek signs renewed contract

The family Oomen-Kalsbeek (Agnes, Françoise and Clasien) continue the Gijsbert Oomen Fund and Françoise explains why in the following article:

Why the Gijsbert Oomen Fund

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Gijsbert Oomen was an active and sportive Dutch boy, born in Bandung, Indonesia, on 14 September 1977. His first years he spent with parents and sisters on the tea research institute and plantations of Gambung, West Java. He went to school in the Netherlands, in Wageningen and nearby Ede. Gijsbert was genuinely interested in people, enjoyed life and enjoyed being with his friends and family. At the age of 12 he visited Indonesia again. After school, Gijsbert became a promising student in ’s Hertogenbosch and Tilburg, until at the age of 23 years he was struck by a totally unexpected cardiac arrest, after a day of sportive exercise.

We, his parents and both his sisters, want to take care that Gijsbert Oomen will not be forgotten. We therefore want to connect his name to the education of young men and women in relation to his country of birth, Indonesia. So we founded the Gijsbert Oomen Fund for the support of promising Indonesian students who come to study in Wageningen, and who intend to return to their country afterwards.

In this way we want to keep the name of Gijsbert Oomen alive – and to enable Indonesian students to study here at the Wageningen University & Research.

Pieter & Françoise Oomen – his parents
Agnes & Clasina Oomen – his sisters

Wageningen, February 22, 2017

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Gijsbert met familie Sasmita, Ciwidey sept 1989.jpg