Anne van den Ban Fund
The Anne van den Ban Fund allows promising students from developing countries to follow an education at Wageningen University & Research.
Selection procedure
Candidates are selected in close collaboration with the university. That is why interested students have to wait until an Anne van den Ban scholarship is offered to them. This happens in the spring around May. If you haven’t received an offer on June 1st you haven’t been selected.
Candidates of an Anne van den Ban scholarship will be selected only amongst accepted new students of a full MSc study. Coming to Wageningen for a 2 year master's programme on a one year scholarship or budget does not fit the Anne van den Ban criteria.
Please note: emails asking about the application procedure for this fund will not be answered as it is not possible to apply.
The impact of your gift
Thanks to your donations each year the fund supports nearly fifty students from developing countries and gives them the chance to study at Wageningen University & Research. After graduation, most of them return to their country and contribute to sustainable development.
Board Anne van den Ban Foundation
The board selects once a year students together with Wageningen University based on the advice of study coordinators and alumni active in developing countries. The students receive complete or partial financing of a MSc programme at Wageningen University & Research.
- Prof. dr. Johan Verreth (president)
- Prof. dr. Anke Niehof (secretary)
- Dr. ir. Ingrid Duchhart & ir. Willy ten Haaf (student affairs)
- Dr. Ron van Lammeren (treasurer)
- Ir. Bert Bruins
Postal address
Anne van den Ban Fund
p.a. Postbus 9101
6700 HB Wageningen
Bank information
IBAN: NL62ABNA0447524658 on name of UFW- Anne van den Ban Fonds in Wageningen
BIC/Swiftcode: ABNANL2a
Chamber of Commerce: 1051464
Fiscal number: 8161.41.599
Figures & Annual reports (in Dutch)
Foundation of the Anne van den Ban Fund
The Anne van den Ban Fund was founded in 1992 by two Wageningen alumni who named it after dr. ir. Anne van den Ban. He is a retired professor in Applied Communication Science at Wageningen University & Research.
Dr. ir. Anne van den Ban: “One of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals is to halve the amount of people that need to live off of less than a dollar per day. Lack of knowledge is one of the driving forces behind poverty. Knowledge is thus an indispensable factor in combating poverty and I decided to do something about it. At Wageningen they learn, with the aid of knowledge and insight, to search independently for new solutions for developments in their home country.
“In 1992, I decided to pay the amount of money necessary to give a student the chance to gain international experience. The Anne van den Ban Fund developed from this idea.”
Obituary Anne van den Ban
Prof. Anne van den Ban, founder of extension science in Wageningen, passed away on Saturday, May 7, 2016 at the age of 88.