Huub and Julienne Spiertz Fund - applicant information

The HJS Fund invests in young agrobiologists and crop scientists to facilitate research in agrobiology and crop sciences. Special attention is given to sustainable food production.


The HSJ Fund financially supports PhD- and post doctoral students associated to Wageningen University and younger than 35 years of age. They may receive one stipend of maximum €1.500 per year for a study trip to a foreign university or research institute or a visit to an international conference.


The HJS Fund invites young researchers to submit a proposal for a study trip.

The deadline for applying is prolonged to August, 12th. Proposals should be sent to Claudius van de Vijver. Results of the reviewing process will be communicated beginning of September.

The proposals will be reviewed by the curatorium. Read the application criteria carefully before sending it in.

More about the HJS Fund