Official documents
For the groundrules of SWU Thymos you can find the statutes here:
Statutes of SWU Thymos since December 10th 2021
Are you interested in the necessary steps of becoming an SSA or SWU Thymos acknowledged association? Or do you want to know more about the subsidies SWU Thymos offers? Then you can find our by-laws here.
By-laws of SWU Thymos since June 7th 2023
Do you want to know what SWU Thymos wants to achieve this year, which goals have been set and with which important themes we will work? Read our policy here.
Privacy Statement
Do you want to know how we handle personal data? Then read our privacy statement here.
Terms & Conditions SWU Thymos
Do you want to know what rules have been set regarding participation in one of our events or experiences? Read our terms & conditions here.
Below you will find the download link for the 2023-2024 sports guide. This guide contains everything you need to know about the student sports scene in Wageningen. Enjoy!