South American potato market survey leading the way for Dutch trade and industry

Consultations, surveys and knowledge transfer. These are the instruments Applied Plant Research uses to give innovations of Dutch potato companies access to South America.

Climate and soil types in Argentina and Chile are quite suitable for potato cultivation. Potatoes are currently still grown in a rather traditional way, with little technology, resulting in rather low yields. Local research institutes do have a large amount of knowledge about better cropping but this knowledge is still insufficiently reaching the growers. PPO tries to offer a helping hand while at the same acting as the interface between Dutch industry and the international partners.

Phytophthora control

PPO scientists investigated the possibilities for improving Phytophthora control. They did so upon initiative of the local Agricultural Counsellor and with subsidy of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation . In these activities they cooperate closely with domestic research institutes. In Argentina this is INTA , the research institute focusing on potatoes and Phytophthora.

Such a preliminary study includes a survey of the local situation. The scientists  are investigating how farmers are currently controlling Phytophthora and how this can be improved. They consult all stakeholders in potato cultivation, such as advisors and farmers as well as the processing and agrochemical industries. They are also organising workshops to transfer knowledge about potato cultivation and Phytophthora control.

Active on the market

The survey also supports Dutch companies on this market. This makes market research part of the activities. For Argentina this has led to a follow-up step in which a Dutch potato processing company will attempt to broaden and improve potato cultivation. This is the way in which PPO’s activities are preparing the road for Dutch trade and industry.