CV guide & checklist
To help you write your Curriculum Vitae (or in short CV), we made an elaborate guide which you can use during this process. Next to that, you can find a quick checklist with everything that should be included in your CV and some example CVs.
CV guide
Find an elaborate guide on how to write your CV below. In this guide, you will find which parts to include, in which order and how to elaborate on them.
CV checklist
Find a quick checklist with everything that should be included in your CV below.
1. On top of your CV
- The words 'Curriculum Vitae'
- Your name
- Optional: your picture
2. Contact details
- (Personal) Email address
- Phone number
- Shortened LinkedIn URL (Customize Your Public Profile URL)
- Address (place/country)
- Nationality: when applying in a country other than your native country
3. Profile
- A short description of your professional identity focusing on relevant specialization(s), passion(s), experience(s), skills and/or ambition(s).
4. Education
- Start/end date
- Title program (example: MSc...)
- University name and location
- Specialization/track
- Thesis
- Relevant courses
- Optional: projects such as Academic Consultancy Training
5. Work experience
- Start/end date
- Function title (can be intern)
- Company name and location
- Short description function
- Tasks, responsibilities and/or results/skills achieved (preferable in bullet points)
6. Extra-curricular activities (optional)
- Start/end date
- Function title (can be intern)
- Company name and location
- Short description function
- Tasks, responsibilities and/or results/skills achieved (preferable in bullet points)
7. Training/certificates (optional)
- Date
- Name certificate
- Short description of training
8. Skills
A selection of relevant skills in relation to the vacancy:
- Hard skills: languages, IT skills, lab skills
- Soft skills (optional, when not having many hard skills)
9. Additional information (optional)
- Publications (or add a longer list as appendix)
- In possession of drivers license B
- Interests
- Willing to move / willing to learn Dutch (or other language)
10. References (optional)
- 'Available upon request'
Final checks for the style of your CV
- Max 2 pages long
- Mention your most relevant experiences only
- Always send your CV (and motivation letter) in PDF-format with your name in the document title
- Use a font that is easy to read such as Verdana, Arial, Calibri etc.
- Make use of different font styles to highlight experiences (bold, italics, underline)