
Start of project that will substantiate 2030 goals for sustainable potting soil and substrates

February 23, 2023

In November 2022, a broad societal coalition* of government, sector and NGO agreed that in 2050 the use of potting soil and substrates in the chain will have no negative environmental impact and will be CO2 neutral. To this end, growing media must consist of at least 90% renewable raw materials by 2050. For the professional market, the targets for 2030 still need to be determined. The agreement signatories have requested Wageningen University and Research - BU Greenhouse Horticulture to provide independent substantiation of the percentages of renewable raw materials achievable in 2030. In a joint kick-off meeting last February 2nd, the project ‘Availability of potting soil constituents 2030’ has started.

Project goal

The aim of the project is to provide reliable estimates of (a) the currently used volumes of potting soil constituents and the technically possible increase in use by the end user until the end of 2030, and (b) the possible use as potting soil constituent and available volumes of renewable raw materials which can already play a role in the period up to the end of 2030.

In order to have the widest possible support for this study, all agreement parties are heard and involved in the collection of information and estimates. The report is expected to be published at the end of 2023.

The formal commissioner is the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, on behalf of the agreement parties.

* The signatories of the Agreement “Environmental impact of potting soil and substrates” are: the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food quality, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate , the Dutch Association of Potting Soil and Substrate Manufacturers (VPN), the department of Mushroom Cultivation and the department of Trees, Perennials and Summer Flowers of the Dutch Agriculture and Horticulture organization (LTO), Glastuinbouw Nederland, Plantum, the Garden Industry in the Netherlands, the BVOR, the VGB, VBN, the NFO, RHP, RPP, and Foundation Peat Free.