ir. EAM (Ellen) Beerling

ir. EAM (Ellen) Beerling

senior researcher sustainable cropping systems

I work from different perspectives on the transition to a circular and sustainable horticulture. Important themes are the development of resilient and emission-free cultivation systems for greenhouse horticulture, and the impact and role of greenhouse horticulture on/in its environment. Central to this is an understanding of what is possible, feasible and necessary. Therefore I like to work together with growers and other actors.


- Identifying and solving bottlenecks that cause discharges so that a water-emission-free greenhouse cultivation is now feasible.

- a redesign of the cultivation system for strawberries to an intrinsically resilient cultivation without pesticides [ Beerling, E. A. M. (2020). Sustainable and resilient strawberry cultivation system for 2030. In Greenhouses : the international magazine for greenhouse growers, 2020/9(2), 41-41. ]

IPM Tool hupmiddel voor weerbaar telen en geïntegreerde gewasbescherming; Beerling, E. A. M. (2021);

- Waarde van Water: