
CVB is updating the Dutch DVE/OEB system

January 29, 2020

It will take a while, but CVB is working hard on validating and updating the Dutch protein evaluation system for ruminants, the so called DVE/OEB system. Compared to the original DVE/OEB system (1991) several new insights were implemented in the 2007 update of the system. However, these changes in the DVE/OEB system were not validated based on digestibility studies. Currently, CVB is working on further improvement and validation.

Based on a meta-analysis and a recent experiment, the passage rates of nutrients from the rumen (Kp values), and the efficiency of rumen microbial protein synthesis will be renewed. Furthermore, rumen degradation characteristics of protein in feedstuffs will be corrected for microbial contamination occurring during in situ incubations.

Researchers Dorien Van Wesemael from ILVO and Wouter Spek from Wageningen Livestock Research presented the first results of this project at recent CVB-seminars in Melle (Belgium) and Wageningen (the Netherlands). In 2020, the researchers will continue their work, with the objective to implement all improvements in the CVB table.