
47th Animal Nutrition Forum 2025

This year’s Animal Nutrition Forum 2025 will be organized in Impulse at Wageningen Campus, The Netherlands on Friday 25 April 2025. The Animal Nutrition Forum provides a unique platform for early-career researchers from the Netherlands and abroad to network, share their work, and advance innovation in animal nutrition.

Organised by Wageningen Livestock Research

Fri 25 April 2025 09:00

Venue Impulse, building number 115
Stippeneng 2
6708 WE Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 482828

Young researchers, early-career scientists, students, and professionals interested in advancing animal nutrition are warmly invited to attend the Animal Nutrition Research Forum. This event brings together researchers from the Netherlands and Belgium, offering a unique opportunity to network, share experiences, and explore the latest innovations and findings in the field of animal nutrition!

Animal nutrition plays a pivotal role in modern livestock production, influencing animal health, productivity, and the sustainability of the sector. As the demand for sustainable protein grows and environmental challenges intensify, innovation in animal nutrition has become essential. Researchers are exploring innovative feeding strategies, refining nutrient formulations, and developing new feed additives to optimize resource efficiency and reduce environmental impacts. By enhancing diets, it is possible to lower emissions like methane and nitrogen while boosting productivity, making animal nutrition critical to the future of agriculture.

Abstract submission

Abstract submission deadline is March 14th, 2025, and abstracts will not be considered without registration and payment of the presenter. Abstracts must be submitted via e-mail at anr2025@wur.nl. File format is a Word document (.doc or .docx) named as ‘Surname_Name_AnimalSpecies_Affilitation’, e.g. ‘Jansen_Piet_Pig_WUR’ according to the format that can be downloaded (link on the right panel). Presenters have to be registered before March 28th, 2025, to be eligible for oral presentation.

The symposium abstract guidelines:

  • Abstracts must be written in English (UK spelling) with a maximum of 300 words. This excludes the title, authors and affiliations.
  • Format should follow the template file sent with the invitation letter.
  • Participants are allowed to submit a maximum of two contributions as presenting author.
  • Abstracts submitted for scientific sessions should describe work that has not been published or presented at another international meeting. The selection of oral contributions to scientific sessions will depend on the topic and scientific quality of the contribution.
  • The text should be concise and informative. Statements such as “The results will be discussed” are not acceptable and will result in rejection.
  • The structure of the abstracts should follow the sequence of:
    • a briefing on the main problem studied
    • a clear statement of the hypothesis(es) or expected results
    • the methods used to test the hypothesis
    • a description of the experimental design and statistical analysis
    • explaining, in brief, the main results
    • a synthetic conclusion derived from the data presented
    • a graphical abstract is allowed to support the discussed results (optional)
  • Reference to commercial products should be avoided. Rather than that, scientific names of effective components should be used. Abstracts that emphasize commercial aspects of the research will be rejected.
  • Tense: Use ‘past simple’ tense for everything that has happened in the past. This will account for at least 90 per cent of the text.
  • Statistical significance: the minimum statistical significance has been set at P≤0.05; statistical “trends” can be acknowledged only if P<0.10; differences with a P≥0.10 have no statistical relevance and should not be mentioned.

The program will be based on the (accepted) submitted abstracts. In case too many oral presentations are submitted, the organizing committee will select for oral presentations. The other accepted submissions are invited to present a poster.

An oral presentation should not exceed 10 min and will be followed by a 5 min discussion. The official language for presentations is English. Poster guidelines will be shared with poster presenters at a later stage. Proceedings from this meeting will contain the summary of all accepted contributions in the English language.