Identification of plant-based and animal-based ingredients
Which ingredients are incorporated into a product? By using DNA technology, we can identify the plant-derived ingredients in a product or the animal species from which a piece of meat originates. For example, we can differentiate between horsemeat and beef.
This can be done in both simple (fish, berry) and in complex products, with multiple ingredients from different plants or animals (meat ball).
Plaice or dab, deer or pig
And we can differentiate between plaice and dab, soya or maize and other plant-based and animal-based ingredients. We have methods to identify many plant and animal species in products. In case of doubt, therefore, we can determine whether a label is correct.
Allergenic ingredients in a product?
In a similar way we can detect whether there are ingredients in a product that may be allergenic, for example whether peanuts or citrus fruit have been incorporated into a product.
Protected animal or plant species?
Wageningen Food Safety Research can also determine whether a possible animal or vegetable components may have been incorporated into a product that is originate from globally protected species. For this purpose a special module has been developed, which in many cases can determine the presence of protected species to a low level.
Are GMOs permitted?
Regarding the composition of a product we can do more. We can analyse whether genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have been incorporated into a product. And if so, which GMOs are they, are they permitted in food in Europe or are they perhaps GMOs that have not yet been assessed for safety and are therefore not permitted on the European market? We can help answer these questions for you.